Chi siamo - About us

Kristina Di Cesidio Galli, Pittrice e acquarellista versatile e creativa con più di vent'anni di attività, ha esposto i suoi lavori in decine di mostre collettive e personali, di cui la maggior parte all'estero (Regno Unito, Francia, Spagna). Nel suo stile grafico si mescolano la pop art e l'illustrazione, la musica e la moda degli anni '60, il cinema e l'erotismo.
Kristina Di Cesidio Galli, creative and versatile painter and watercolour artist with more than twenty years activity, exhibited her works in many Group and personal exhibitions, especially abroad (UK, France and Spain). Her graphic style is a mix of pop art and illustration, music and Sixties fashion, cinema and eroticism.
Kristina Di Cesidio Galli, creative and versatile painter and watercolour artist with more than twenty years activity, exhibited her works in many Group and personal exhibitions, especially abroad (UK, France and Spain). Her graphic style is a mix of pop art and illustration, music and Sixties fashion, cinema and eroticism.

Max Galli, disegnatore, scrittore e artista multimediale conosciuto e apprezzato a livello internazionale per il suo stile inconfondibile ispirato agli anni '60 , comincia la sua carriera artistica nei primi anni Novanta, lavorando come illustratore e giornalista free-lance. Ha pubblicato diversi libri sia di narrativa che illustrati e a fumetti. È stato direttore creativo della casa editrice Ultrapop dal 2005 al 2008 e collabora con le riviste online britanniche "New Untouchables NUTsmag" e "EyePlug".
Max Galli, illustrator, writer and multimedia artist, well known and appreciated internationally for his unique 60s-inspired style, started his career back in the first half of the Nineties, working as a freelance artist and journalist. He published several books both fiction and illustrated. He was creative manager of Ultrapop publishing house from 2005 to 2008 and contributes to British online magazines "New Untouchables NUTSmag" and "EyePlug".
Max Galli, illustrator, writer and multimedia artist, well known and appreciated internationally for his unique 60s-inspired style, started his career back in the first half of the Nineties, working as a freelance artist and journalist. He published several books both fiction and illustrated. He was creative manager of Ultrapop publishing house from 2005 to 2008 and contributes to British online magazines "New Untouchables NUTSmag" and "EyePlug".